Could it be that June is
everyone’s favourite month in the garden? Certainly summer is almost here,
roses are starting to bloom, borders are awash with flowers, bees and
butterflies abound.
The garden is putting on a show and continues to amaze us
with all nature has to offer. But even if you’re being rewarded for all your
efforts in earlier months and just feel like sitting back and taking it all in
we gardeners are thinking about next spring. Simply because there’s plenty to
be done to prepare for next year’s even more impressive show. And lots to do
now to add to your summer display.
You can sow anemones, St.
Brigid and de Caen from seed outdoors and they will flower next summer. Germinate
winter pansies sown on moist compost in pots or trays covered with vermiculite
or sieved compost. They need to be kept dark and cool to germinate so cover
with black polythene to exclude light and put them in a shady place outdoors.
You can grow them on until October and then plant them out for winter colour
and masses of spring blooms.
Plant out tender bedding you’ve held back,
including dahlias, begonias, salvias, heliotropes and cannas as well as foliage
plants such as abutilons and cordylines. Divide auriculas, polyanthuses and
primroses around mid June and you can divide old clumps of mossy
- Sow hellebores from seed taken from flower before they dry and split
- Grow tender flowers in pots and containers - pelargoniums, marguerites and petunias, you can take them indoors in October for putting out next year.
- Train climbers: especially roses, vines
- Cut back aubrietias, arabis and perennial candytuft
- Sow Brompton stocks and forget-me-nots
- Lift and divide June flowering irises
- Start to bud roses later in the month
- Sow wallflowers, sweet Williams, Iceland poppies
- Place pot grown chrysanthemums outside
- Trim hedges
- Dig up self sown seedlings to plant elsewhere or give away
- Deadhead roses to encourage more flowers in late summer
- Take cuttings of sage and rosemary
Prune early flowering shrubs
immediately after they have flowered: weigela, philadelphus, kolkwitzia,
deutzia, later in the month. Prune brooms annually. Cut back Clematis Montana.
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