‘Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.
Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. Hal Borland, writer.
It’s a good job grass is durable and persistent with one of the hottest July’s on record and more drought forecast. Even the most comprehensive watering regime would be hard pressed to keep a green lawn in these conditions. Thankfully, the grass will recover and green-up when the rains come. So best turn our attention to other thirsty areas of the garden.
If you are using a water butt to conserve water, you are likely soon to run out. There are grey water alternatives, where bath, kitchen sink water, dishwasher and washing machine water are diverted to use in the garden. Regard this with caution because untreated grey water may expose you to disease-causing pathogens, while salts and chemicals can damage plants and soil.
You would need a comprehensive system that treats the water for purity and most of the options will use additional energy which is not very ‘green’. Mulching round plants and shrubs is a good way to keep the moisture in, using home made compost or bark mulch after you have given them a good watering. It will help slow down evaporation.
And so onto a few other jobs you can potter around doing in the sunshine. Deadhead roses, dahlias and penstemons for more growth and colour in the autumn. Take cuttings of roses, pelargoniums, hydrangeas and alpines to propagate new plants. Re-pot azaleas and propagate pinks and carnations by layering or take cuttings.
- Take cuttings or move self-seeded plants for more plants around the garden
- Collect and store seeds from dried flower heads
- Cut back hardy geraniums for a new flush
- Feed container-grown plants and flowers and water hanging baskets
- Feed container plants with liquid tomato feed
- Collect and store seeds
- Prune rambling roses after flowering
- Trim hedges