A colourful canvas

Fill in the gaps in herbaceous borders with annual bedding and for attractive flowers later in the year it’s not too late to plant Anemone rhizomes that have been soaked overnight. Sow Alyssum and Campanula carpatica, and Dahlias and begonias can be planted out now the danger of frost has passed.
If you have indoor sowings large enough to handle you can prick them out and pot them on ready for planting when they are hardened off. If you haven’t planted up tubs and containers it’s time to add colour with summer bedding you’ve grown or from the garden centre.
Pansies, wallflowers and other for spring bedding for next year need to be sown now and until July, along with winter bedding for the following winter. Perennials that run to seed, such as lupins, delphiniums and hollyhocks, can be harvested when the seed heads are ripened and the seeds planted in borders or pots out of direct sunlight.
Where you have trailing and spreading plants that have flowered, give them a trim back to encourage fresh growth and more flowering. Hoe in the borders to keep weeds from spreading and seeding. Sweet peas will need training to encourage them to climb and if you want to propagate pinks take cuttings now.
Cut off the faded flower trusses of rhododendrons, lilacs and azaleas and prune Clematis Montana. Euphorbias will benefit from flowered stems cut back to ground level but wear gloves as the sap of some plants can irritate the skin. Late June is the time to cut back aubretias, arabis and perennial candytuft.
- Cut back Oriental poppies after flowering
- Sow pansies and polyanthus for October planting out
- Prune spring flowering shrubs
- Put up hanging baskets
- Harvest lettuce and early potatoes
- Sow primulas in late June
- Train climbers
- Water tubs and containers
- Shade plants in the greenhouse
- Pot on cyclamen
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