Now is the time to make new asparagus beds and order crowns of
all-male varieties for the heaviest yields.
Lift mint and replant in containers
sunk below ground to stop it spreading everywhere.
Sow the first vegetable
seeds in a warm, sheltered place.
You can put potatoes in now. In well prepared
ground you can use a trowel or if you need to, dig out trenches about a spade
deep 60cm (2ft) apart and put manure or compost in the bottom (don’t use spent
mushroom compost). Plant the tubers on top, add fertiliser such as Growmore to
the dug out soil as you mound it up over the rows.
- Sow broad beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflowers, dwarf French beans, kale, kohl rabi, lettuces, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, radishes, seakale, shallots, spinach, Swedes, tomatoes and turnips
- Grow ‘mini-veg’ if space is scarce
- Make succession sowings of summer cabbages and cauliflowers
- Freeze extra vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard and beans for the winter
- Store carrots and beetroot in boxes of garden compost in the garage or shed
- Start globe artichokes, sweet corn and courgettes
- Plant out any peas you started off indoors
- Divide chives and re-plant in a warm, sheltered position
- Plant asparagus
- Grow on under glass broad beans sown indoors
- Cover rhubarb with forcing buckets or pots to encourage long, tender stalks
- Under glass sow asparagus, cucumbers, dwarf French beans, leeks, lettuces, marrows, melons, onions, parsley, peas, rhubarb, seakale, tomatoes
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