The use of Greenwich Meantime (GMT) began at 3pm on 25 September 1676.

Harvest time is here again and if you have been growing vegetables through the year it is the month of plenty. It’s also time to sow grass seed if you prepared last month for a new lawn. There’s plenty of digging to be done to work manure into the borders and there’s more seed to collect and sow from perennials and hardy annuals.
Think about the picture of your garden you would like to see next spring and plant bulbs now: daffodils, crocuses, alliums, Anemones; but wait until early November for tulips to help protect them from slug damage. Talking of slugs, dig up remaining potatoes before they get them. Why not take cuttings of tender perennials such as pelargoniums, fuchsias and Margeurites? Potted up and hardened off before the first frosts they can be brought indoors to overwinter ready for spring.
Sweet peas can be sown now in the greenhouse or cold frame and hardy annuals can be sown where they are to grow: cornflower, pot marigolds and poppies come to mind, while any biennials you sowed earlier in the year such as violas and wallflowers should be ready to plant out. Now you’ve dug the borders you can plant new perennials and divide older ones, while towards the end of the month it’s time to plant and move shrubs and trees.
- Pot lilies to grow in a cold greenhouse or unheated frame
- Prune climbing roses after flowering
- Take hardwood cuttings of roses
- Take semi-ripe cuttings of evergreen shrubs
- Sow hardy annuals for next year: Calendula, clarkia, coreopsis, larkspur, poppies
- Look after hanging baskets to keep them flowering into autumn
- Net ponds ready for leaf fall
- Plant spring bulbs
- Indoors start forcing hyacinths
- Give bulbs a feed of bone meal at planting
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