“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” William Blake
February is invariably a month of contrasts as it clings to winter yet sees the first vestiges of spring appearing almost daily. Snowdrops, daffodils, irises, drifts of crocus and cyclamen coum and even an early flowering cherry provide blotches of colour in an otherwise slightly barren garden landscape.
Unless, of course, your backdrop contains borders of evergreens and herbaceous perennials like Iberis sempervivens (Candytuft) with racemes of white or pink flowers; and shrubs such as Mahonia, Chaenomeles and Edgeworthia, Daphne, Sarcococca and Viburnum. Just some thoughts for future planting to give the month a much needed lift as winter draws to a slow close.On milder days, we can enjoy the start of the new journey around the garden and into the season, pruning and tidying as we go. Hard prune buddleia, give Wisteria a tidy and cut back any weak growth on clematis. If you are going to lay turf now is a good time to start preparing the lawn site. Divide snowdrops when they go over, replanting immediately.
Ah, the weather’s turned so head indoors or for the greenhouse and sow some pansies, violas, petunias and lobelias under gentle heat for planting up your summer hanging. You could also be planting lily bulbs and dahlia tubers in pots. Make a nice hot drink and settle down with the catalogues or online and order plug plants for bedding and grow them on ready to plant out after the frosts.
- Thin lilac
- Cut rambler stems
- Prune apples, pears and gooseberries
- Hoe weeds
- Train climbers
- Grow from seed Impatiens, antirrhinums and begonias
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